What are extreme adjectives and which adverbs to use with them
The funny woman, the brilliant author, a delicious tomato. Adjectives tell us how good or bad, interesting or boring, good or evil something is. This past year we have seen temperatures all over the...
I or i
I or i & why?
Have you ever wondered why in English we write the pronoun I as a capital and not in lower case? After all a is written in lower case e.g., a dog, a cat, a quick kiss. And the letter i is written in...
Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 14.42
It's all about love. The 'will' tense.
The iconic I will survive is a promise. You make it to yourself that this hurt, this hardship will not be too much for you. When first Dolly Parton, then Whitney Houston sang I will always love you,...